Efficient management, suitable skills and appropriate structures: guarantee of reliability for customers, suppliers, employees and contractors... State-of-the-art test equipment, know-how, experience and continuously updated regulatory knowledge ensure that you benefit from precise, reliable test procedures that are recognised by the market... Harness the value of your product quality, stand out in the market, facilitate your exports and offer an authoritative guarantee of regulatory compliance... To validate compliance with the technical and legislative specifications of electrical systems, appliances, supplies, services... Suitability of skills, consistency between the quality of the services you offer and the work you actually do, a guarantee of continuous updating... Over 115,000 products, over 18,000 sites certified: consult the IMQ database to find out about the products, organisations and professionals who have certified their quality Consult the repository of IMQ documentation. Download regulations and publications in digital format. The only Italian organisation with an all-round vision of the issues relating to ICT quality and security. Proven security at both network and device level. Discover the main services offered for the Internet of Things. IMQ solutions for supporting businesses in their transition towards the circular economy. IMQ solutions and services for enhancing environmental responsibility, sustainable production and the social and work environment.