IMQ GroupIMQ Group
Testing • Inspection • Certification

The "Associazione IMQ"


Founding members:

  • ANIE – Federation of Italian Electrotechnical and Electronic Manufacturers
  • ENEL S.p.A.
  • CEI – Italian Electrotechnical Committee
  • AEIT – Italian Federation for the Electrotechnical, Electronics, Automation, Computer and Telecommunications industries

Special member:

  • ANIA – National Association of Insurance Companies

Ex officio members:

  • CNR – National Research Council
  • Ministry of the Interior
  • Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy
  • Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
  • Ministry of the Defence

Ordinary members:

  • AGSM AIM S.p.A. 
  • AIAS – Italian Association of Security Operators
  • AICQ-National – Italian Quality Association
  • AIDI –  Italian Lighting Association
  • AIPSA – Italian Association of Company Security Professional Operators
  • ALBIQUAL –  Register of Qualified Electrical Installation Companies
  • ANIMA – Federation of National Associations of the Mechanical Industry and Similar Products
  • APPLiA Italy - National Association Home and Professional Appliances
  • ASSIL  – National Association Lighting Manufacturer
  • ASSOSICUREZZA – Association of Security System Manufacturers and Distributors
  • CESI – Italian Electrotechnical Testing and Certification Organisation
  • CIG – Italian Gas Committee
  • CLAAI - Federation of Italian Tradesmen Associations
  • National Federation of Wholesalers and Distributors of Electrical Material
  • FLA - Federlegnoarredo
  • FME - National Federation of Wholesalers and Distributors of Electrical Material
  • INRiM– National Metrological Research Institute
  • TMP – Italian Association of Plastic Materials Engineers
  • UNAE – Italian Register of Qualified Electrical Installation Companies
  • UNC - National Consumer Association
  • UNI – Italian Standards Body